Photographer Joe Manzella
In Cranford, inspiration is everywhere. We are so grateful to our community members who continue to support the Downtown through their art. Thank you to Joe Manzella who has provided the photography for our website. You can see more of Joe’s work at https://www.joemanzella.com/
What’s your creative background?
I was interested in illustration and photography as a teenager and spent a year as president of the photography club while attending Brooklyn College. While at Brooklyn College I also worked as a draftsman for the New York City Department of Transportation as part of my work-study program. I left college in order to pursue a career in music and audio engineering in my 20s in NYC. After teaching audio engineering at the Center For The Media Arts for 4 years, I took a job at Reuters Financial Television as their senior audio engineer. Reuters sent me to Apple’s Corporate Training School where I completed their course in Multimedia and Web Design. After leaving Reuters I worked in MPEG-4 development as a software GUI and website designer and finally in marketing for an international manufacturing corporation where I spent 16 years as the creative design manager for North and South America, doing product photography and videos, trade shows, graphic design for catalogs and brochures, web site design, development, SEO and branding. Since retiring, I now focus my creative time on local and travel photography, landscape painting in acrylics, playing guitar and songwriting.
Why do you like taking pictures in the Cranford area? What are your favorite types of pictures to take?
I think Cranford is a very picturesque and visually beautiful community that combines a historic look with a modern, small town appeal. I really enjoy photographing the mixture of old and new architecture here, the natural surroundings, the Rahway River, the green spaces and the wildlife and birds we are fortunate to have all around us here in Cranford.
What was your favorite part of this project?
I enjoyed capturing the many looks of Cranford throughout the seasons, especially in the Fall and Wintertime.
Can you name a few of your favorite Cranford spots to dine, shop, etc, as well as favorite Cranford events?
There are so many excellent restaurants and eateries in Cranford! I’m sure I’ll miss some favorites but I love The Cranford Hotel, The Vine & Oak Tavern, Ciao Bello Restaurant, The Thirsty Turtle, Marino’s Seafood, Garlic Rose Bistro, Track 5 Coffee, Mr. J’s and so many others. For shopping, being Italian, you’ll always find me in Perrotti’s and Pastosa Ravioli. I enjoy shopping in Periwinkles, Cake Artist Cafe, The Artist Framer, Hickory and Hill and NJ Wineseller, to name a few. For favorite events I’d have to say the Scarecrow Stroll is always a favorite of mine, the Summer Sounds concerts by Eastman Clock Plaza, our Cranford Street Fairs, the wonderful events and movies at the Cranford Theater and A Taste of Cranford is always fun.