Our office is happy to announce the first Downtown Cranford Pink Out, taking place 10/1-10/3. We are proud to be working with the Bosom Buddies of Cranford, a group of women from Union County who have connected, bonded and supported each other through their journeys with breast cancer. From the Bosom Buddies of Cranford Facebook page: “We are all unique and have different stories, but there are many things we share in common – we have all been faced with a breast cancer diagnosis, we are strong, we want to help others and we want to find a cure!”
A portion of the proceeds from many of the events taking place during the Pink Out will be going to the Bosom Buddies of Cranford’s fundraising page for Susan G. Komen. Stay tuned for information on more events that will be taking place during the Pink Out and how you can be a part of them!