Souperhero Stroll
We are excited to bring you the Downtown Cranford Souperhero Stroll on January 18th and 19th! You’re invited to stroll through Downtown Cranford to view the life-size superhero balloon sculptures by Dream Factory Balloons while sampling delicious soups offered by our local restaurants. You can order your tickets here:…/downtown-cranford-2025….
Please note that one ticket is needed for each soup tasting participant. Children are encouraged to dress up in superhero costumes or wear their favorite capes. This event will take place rain, snow or shine. The event is sponsored by Downtown Cranford with proceeds benefiting CHS Class of 2025 Project Graduation. Please note that there are NO REFUNDS.
When purchasing your ticket, please make sure you choose the day and time slot that you would like to participate in to help with traffic flow to our restaurants. The options are Saturday, January18th from 12-2pm or 2pm-4pm as well as Sunday, January 19th from 12-2pm or 2-4pm.
We will be collecting canned soup to donate to local food banks in partnership with the Cranford Clergy Council and Interfaith Committee. Any donation is welcomed and it can be brought to registration the day of the event.