This past Saturday, Downtown Cranford Director Caren Demyen, Mayor Brian Andrews, Township Commissioner and Downtown liaison Kathleen Miller Prunty, and DMC Board members held a ribbon cutting to officially welcome the new owners of Cranford Vanilla Bean Creamery! Congratulations to Sherri, Mike, and their young daughters on this new (very delicious) endeavor. Sherri and Mike were Cranford residents from 2014-2020 before moving to Westfield, and have a special place in their heart for Cranford Vanilla Bean Creamery. When they originally met with Ralph, Mike proudly showed him the large stack of Vanilla Bean Creamery punch cards their family has collected over the past few years.

Mike and Sherri knew they would need Ralph’s guidance to make sure that Vanilla Bean Creamery would continue to put out the high quality ice cream it’s been known for. To that end, Ralph has been sharing his original recipes with them and teaching them how to make ice cream. “My one piece of advice for them is consistency,” said Ralph. “It’s what Vanilla Bean Creamery is known for, and what keeps bringing customers back.”

Ralph will be around for the next few weeks, assisting Mike and Sherri in any way he can. Vanilla Bean Creamery is open 7 days a week so stop in to wish Ralph well and welcome Mike and Sherri!