Starting this month, there are new policies from the State of New Jersey regarding straws, plastic bags, and polystyrene foam takeout food containers.

As of November 4th, businesses were only allowed to provide plastic straws upon request. Starting on May 4, 2022, all stores (including retail), food service businesses, and grocery stores are prohibited from selling to, or providing customers with, single-use plastic carryout bags. In addition, on May 4, 2022, food service businesses are prohibited from selling/offering any polystyrene foam food service product & may not sell or provide any food served in a polystyrene food service product.

If you have questions on Business Compliance, contact the New Jersey Business Action Center – or call 1-800-Jersey-7, Mon.-Fri., 8am-5pm. This information can also be found on the Downtown Cranford website under NJ Single Use Plastic Ban.