If you are planning to offer your patrons the enjoyment of dining at a sidewalk café, please complete
the enclosed Sidewalk Café Permit Application and return it to the Township’s Building Department,
along with:
▪ Payment of applicable fees.
▪ A café plan that demonstrates compliance with the requirements of the Ordinance.
▪ A copy of your insurance that demonstrates compliance with the requirements of the Ordinance.
▪ Written authorization and approval of the owner of the principal building.
▪ Written consent of the adjacent establishment for any sidewalk café that extends beyond the
applicant’s street frontage and in front of the adjacent establishment.

Please also be sure to read the attached sidewalk café code and café guidelines.

Upon approval of your application the Building Department will issue your permit, to be displayed in
public view. If you have questions about this process, you are most welcome to call the Building Department at (908)-709-7213.