Social Media Policy

Last Updated: July 19, 2024

Downtown Cranford

Policy Governing User Comments on Social Media Accounts

Downtown Cranford uses social media to expand and facilitate communication between Downtown Cranford and its residents, taxpayers and the general public, so that interested citizens may stayed informed of pertinent information. On some social media platforms, other users may have the ability to add comments, questions and concerns to whatever content the Downtown Cranford has posted. When and where there is the ability for users to add their own comments and other content to the Downtown Cranford’s communications, there is a real risk that, among other things, such content may be misconstrued as messaging endorsed by or supported by the Downtown Cranford; that the content is inaccurate and/or misleading to the public; and/or that the content is inappropriate and offensive.

As a result, Downtown Cranford’s social media accounts are not open forums but rather are moderated forums where comments and user content shall comply with this policy. Specifically, Downtown Cranford shall moderate user posted content on Downtown Cranford’s social media accounts in accordance with the following guidelines, when and as the content comes to Downtown Cranford’s attention:

The following content is prohibited and subject to removal

  • Comments unrelated to the particular post being commented upon;
  • Comments that promote, foster, or perpetuate discrimination on the basis of creed, color, age, religion, gender, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, national origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation;
  • Comments containing vulgar, offensive, threatening, or harassing language, personal attacks, or unsupported accusations;
  • Obscene or sexually suggestive or explicit content or links to obscene or sexual content;
  • Illegal activity or encouragement of illegal activity;
  • Information that may compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems;
  • Comments from children under 13 cannot be posted in order to comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act;
  • Content that violates a legal rights, including intellectual property rights, of others;
  • Comments with website, email or Internet links of any kind.
  • Content that incites violence.
  • Spamming or repetitive content.

In addition, the Downtown Cranford’s Social Media accounts should, where available, include a statement that “Please note that township social media sites may serve as moderated online discussions and not public forums.” The statement should also include a link to this full policy, which shall be posted on the official Downtown Cranford Website.