Register Now for the Howl-o-Ween Pet Parade and Apple Pie Contest!

Registration is now open for two of our favorite fall events, the Howl-o-Ween Pet Parade and Apple Pie Contest! This year’s Pet Parade will take place on October 29th at 11AM and you can register here:…. Thank you to our event sponsors, Julie Murphy of Coldwell Banker, Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming Cranford-Westfield, and […]

Cranford Celebrates Halloween Like No One Else!

The 16th Scarecrow Stroll kicks off in less than a month and Downtown Cranford and other organizations have activities and events planned throughout October! It all starts with the first day of the Candy Stroll on Friday the 13th, which is followed by Scarecrow Stroll Sand Sculpture, Witches Night Out, Cranford Carve Out, Neewollah, Cereal […]

Get your ticket for the Hotel Cransylvania Stroll on October 21st!

Celebrate Hotel Cransylvania in Downtown Cranford by getting your ticket for the Hotel Cransylvania Stroll! The event will take place on Saturday, October 21st from 1-5pm. With each ticket, you will get a tote that includes a map of participating businesses to get your Halloween themed items. It will also include a movie ticket to […]

Sponsorship Opportunities are Available This Fall!

Downtown Cranford’s events couldn’t take place without the support of our event sponsors! We have a number of events planned this fall and there are opportunities for businesses, organizations, and families to sponsor them. Please see below for information on sponsorship for Hotel Cransylvania Day and Ghostbuster Day. Questions? Give us a call at (908) […]

Tickets for Haunted Cranford History Tour Are Now on Sale!

Back for the second year is the 2023 Haunted Cranford History Tour! Take a stroll outdoors throughout Downtown Cranford and listen to stories about the town’s famous and infamous folks who will make a special appearance from the world beyond. Even Cyrus Drake, resident ghost at the Riverside Inn, may make an appearance… Haunted Cranford […]

Register for the 16th Annual Downtown Cranford Scarecrow Stroll!

The Downtown Cranford office is thrilled to announce that registration is officially open for the 16th Annual Downtown Cranford Scarecrow Stroll! You can register here. From October 13 – 31, scarecrows created by local residents, families, organizations, and Cranford businesses will line the downtown streets. The Scarecrow Stroll is one of downtown’s biggest events of […]

The 15th Annual Scarecrow Stroll Winners are Announced!

The votes are in and the winners have been crowned in this year’s Scarecrow Stroll! Thank you to everyone who took part in this Downtown Cranford tradition. We couldn’t have done this without you! Listed below are the winners in 6 categories: Ages 10 and Under, Ages 11-17, Adults & Families, Schools & Organizations, Cranford […]

See the 1st Cereal Killer Domino Run!

Thank you to TV35 for helping us capture our first Cereal Killer Dominoes event! Special thanks to Cranford Fire and everyone who came out to support. We are so happy to donate 650 boxes of cereal to our friends at Cranford Family Care.

Register Your Pooch for the Howl-o-Ween Pet Parade!

On October 22, the Howl-O-Ween Parade returns to Downtown Cranford! The parade will be held at 1PM at Eastman Plaza, followed by prizes at 2PM. This event is hosted by Downtown Cranford and is sponsored by Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming Cranford-Westfield, The Barker Lounge – Cranford, and Julie Murphy of Coldwell Banker Realty. To […]

Candy Stroll Tickets are Now Available!

We’re thrilled to announce the return of the Candy Stroll as part of the Scarecrow Stroll celebration! This year the Candy Stroll will be held on three days: October 14, 23 & 28. Participants must purchase a bag for the time slot and day they want. The bags cost $7 and can be purchased through […]